Thursday, September 24, 2009

Website Updates

Hello All,

I am going to update the Portuguese Club’s website and would like some feedback.

I am not sure if any of you have had the time to look at the current site. If not I was hoping that you would take a minute or two to look at it.

Here is what I would love to hear from you:

1. What do you love and don’t want to see go?

2. What do you hate?

3. What is hard to find and you wish you could find easier?

4. What is missing?

5. How do you like the colors? I am not sure if I want to stay with this neutral tone or if I want to make it modern and use a black background... I am open to suggestions.

6. On the pages that need information if you have something I can and should include or update – Please send me the info.

My goal is to make this site attractive and easy to navigate. As the club grows I want this site to be a place where you can learn about our history and culture and learn what you need to about the club, upcoming functions, past functions etc.

Lastly, if you did not get my other email regarding photos, I am in need of Golf pictures, and any others that you can send me... Read below to see what we have so far... Also, when the site is updated this will be part of our site... At the moment they are separate but I will get them merged.

Please send photos to me at (do not use the Gmail for pictures, for some reason I don’t get them).

If you would like to see what I have up thus far click on this link:

Remember I am still uploading but I would love to get your photos up as well.


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